2019. február 11., hétfő

Vesti FM on 1413 KHz

Radio: Vesti FM
Freq: 1413 KHz
Language: Russian
Date: 10/02/2019
Time on UTC: 0:35.-.0:55
SINPO: 34444
RX: Yaesu FRG-8800
Ant: 20 meter long wire with tuner
QTH: near Budapest

Confirmed my report in e-QSL
The QSL card received at 11/02/2019

I sending my report the prtc@idknet.com email address.

The letter form Sergey:

Dear Mr. Varga János,

Thank you very much for your letter with the reception report. 

For us it is very interesting and useful. Your information helps us to assess the quality of our work.

Kind regards,
Sergey Omelchenko

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