2019. március 27., szerda

DDH51 Pinneberg Navtex reception

Station : DDH51 Pinneberg
Frequency : 518 KHz
Date: 23.05.2019
Time: 23:00 - 23:07 UTC
Mode : Navtex
SINPO : 34444
QTH : Pinneberg

Radio : SDRplay SRPduo
Antenna : 20 mtr LW with Tuner
Program : SeaTTY and YaND

E-mail address: Behncke Wilfried wilfried.behncke (a) dwd.de

My letter to station:

Unfortunately I write DDH47 in my letter but the station callsign is DDH51!

Dear Sir!

This is to inform you, that I listened to your station March 23, 2019 at between 23:00 and 23:07 UTC. You were broadcasting on 518 KHz.
I am reporting the details of your transmission.

I listening DDH47 Pinneberg,DEU  in 518 KHz.

Report in SINPO: 34444
The signal is satisfactory in my QTH and weak interference, weak noise with little fading.

Some report from my log:
2019-03-23 23:00:19> ZCZC SA78
2019-03-23 23:00:21> NCC-HAMBURG
2019-03-23 23:00:24> 231455 UTC MAR 19
2019-03-23 23:00:28> NAV. WARN. NO. 234
2019-03-23 23:00:33> NAV. WARN. NO. 173 CANCELLED.
2019-03-23 23:00:35> NNNN

2019-03-23 23:03:52> ZCZC SA64
2019-03-23 23:03:53> NCC-HAMBURG
2019-03-23 23:03:57> 172150 UTC MAR 19
2019-03-23 23:04:00> NAV. WARN. NO. 217
2019-03-23 23:04:03> ELBE APPROACH ROADS.
2019-03-23 23:04:09> ANCHOR WITH 11 LENGTH CHAIN GOT LOST IN
2019-03-23 23:04:13> 54-03,6N 007-48,9E.
2019-03-23 23:04:14> NNNN

2019-03-23 23:05:42 25> ZCZC SA51
2019-03-23 23:05:44 23> NCC-HAMBURG
2019-03-23 23:05:48 24> 052020 UTC MAR 19
2019-03-23 23:05:52 28> NAV. WARN. NO. 191
2019-03-23 23:05:54 29> ALTE WESER APPROACH.
2019-03-23 23:06:07 27>  `ST` LIGHTBUOY TO 53-56,37N  007-55,59E,
2019-03-23 23:06:14 27>  `A1` LIGHTBUOY TO 53-54,86N 007-58,38E,
2019-03-23 23:06:22 26>  `A1-O` BUOY TO 53-54,85N 007-58,37E,
2019-03-23 23:06:30 28>  `A2` LIGHTBUOY TO 53-55,50N 007-59,08E,
2019-03-23 23:06:36 32>  `A2-O` BUOY TO 53-55,50N 007-59,12E,
2019-03-23 23:06:42 32>  `A3` BUOY TO 53-54,18N 008-00,27E,
2019-03-23 23:06:48 35>  `A4` BUOY TO 53-54,77N 008-00,91E,
2019-03-23 23:06:56 34>  `A5` LIGHTBUOY TO 53-53,55N 008-02,20E,
2019-03-23 23:07:04 31>  `A5-O` BUOY TO 53-53,53N 008-02,18E,
2019-03-23 23:07:11 34>  `A6` LIGHTBUOY TO 53-54,00N 008-02,69E,
2019-03-23 23:07:17 38>  `A7` BUOY TO 53-53,09N 008-04,14E,
2019-03-23 23:07:24 32>  `A8` BUOY TO 53-53,54N 008-04,46E,
2019-03-23 23:07:31 30>  `A9` LIGHTBUOY TO 53-52,65N 008-06,24E AND
2019-03-23 23:07:39 26>  `A10` LIGHTBUOY TO 53-52,94N 008-06,52E.
2019-03-23 23:07:40 29> NNNN

My radio is SDRplay RSPduo and antenna is a 20 meter long wire with antenna tuner. My QTH is Gyomro city near Budapest the Hungarian capital city.

If my report is correct, please send me your QSL card, for which many thanks in advance.

My postal address:
Janos Varga

Best regards and many thanks!
Varga János

Letter from radio:

Dear Mr. Varga,

a QSL-card is on its way now.

Many thanks for your very nice reception report of receiving our NAVTEX-broadcasting on 518 kHz! Some time ago we started transmitting a speech weather report for the Mediterrainean Sea. Broadcasting time is 16:00 UTC. Broadcasting times for areas of North - and Baltic Sea are 06:00, 12:00 and 20:00 UTC 30 minutes each. I wonder if you could hear that too.

Our transmitter is located in Pinneberg about 15 km north of Hamburg. We are transmitting national NAVTEX on 490 kHz as well.

Since a long time we are broadcasting marine weather information in RTTY and weather charts in facsimile mode on several  long and short wave frequencies.

Here some links which might be of interest:
Schedules:    www.dwd.de/sendeplan
NAVTEX-messages received at German coasts:    www.dwd.de/navtex
Internet :  http://www.dwd.de/seewetter

Best regards andd keep on listening

Wilfried Behncke

National NAVTEX-Co-ordinator
Marine Meteorological Services
Tel.: 0049 69 8062 6187
Email: wilfried.behncke@dwd.de

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