2016. március 17., csütörtök

Deutscher Wetterdienst DDH9 on 11039 KHz

Deutscher Wetterdienst DDH9 QSL card.
Frequency: 11039 KHz
Transmitting mode: RTTY (F1B), 50Bd
Transmitting power: 10 kW
Date: 06.03.2016
Time on UTC: 12:50.-.13:20
Postmark date on the envelop 10.03.2016
The QSL card received at 16.03.2016

I am send my report to: wilfried.behncke(a)dwd.de

My Letter:

Dear Wilfried!

This is to inform you, that I listened to your station 06.03.2016 between 12:50 and 13:20 UTC. You were broadcasting on 11039 KHz. 

You transmitting this messages and many CQ. Detail from the log. I have attached the full fldigi log.

ZCZC 905     
STFI42 EFKL 061253
D  16146  WTQRY  ETURY
GG  18345  WEQWY
HH  12016
II  17705  WQQQT
JJ  17245  WQQQT
MM  13005
NN  11005
OO  13005
RR  17205
SS  51205
TT  17745  TUURT

The reception in SINPO code: 35543
QSB S6 to S9.

My QTH is Gyomro city in Hungary, near Budapest.
My radio is Yaesu FRG-8800 and my antenna is a dipole.
Your message is decoded with the fldigi program.

If my report is correct, please send me your QSL-card, for which many thanks in advance.

My QSL address:

Janos Varga

Best regards
Janos Varga

Wilfried reply on 10.03.2016

Dear Janos,

many thanks for your reception report!

Today I will send you a QSL-card.

In your receiving example (finish ice report) there are some switche to numb er missing. The bulletin mainly consists of numbers.

You received:
correct would be:
AA 18546 27446 36446 46476 55856 65246 76546

If you look at your keyboard you only have to take the numbers over the first row.
q=1, w=2, e=3, r=4  .. p=0,
Because of american keyboards “y = 6”

Please do not ask me about the code of the ice reort. I only know the SYNOP- and SHIP-code which include weather observations.

Here some links which might be of interest:
Schedules:    www.dwd.de/sendeplan
NAVTEX-messages received at German coasts:    www.dwd.de/navtex

Best regards

Wilfried Behncke

National NAVTEX-Co-ordinator
Marine Meteorological Services
Tel.: 0049 69 8062 6187

I am received the QSL card at 16.03.2016

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