2016. július 18., hétfő

Radio Romania International on 855 KHz

Radio Romania International QSL card
Frequency: 855 KHz
Language: Romanian
Date: 04.06.2016
Time on UTC: 22:30.-.23:00
Postmark date on the envelope 08.07.2016
The QSL card received at 15.07.2016

I send my report in RRI web page: http://www.rri.ro/en_gb/pages/receptie

2016. július 7., csütörtök

Radio Romania International on 711 KHz

Radio Romania International QSL card
Frequency: 711 KHz
Language: Romanian
Date: 12.05.2016
Time on UTC: 22:00.-.23:00
Postmark date on the envelope 29.06.2016
The QSL card received at 06.07.2016

I send my report in RRI web page: http://www.rri.ro/en_gb/pages/receptie