Radio: Voice of Hope
Freq: 1287 KHz
Date: 10.02.2019
Time on UTC: 23:30.- 23:50
SINPO: 34433
RX: Yaesu FRG-8800
Ant: 20 meter long wire with tuner
QTH: near Budapest
Received QSL card: 19.02.2019
Remarks: VOICE OF HOPE – MIDDLE EAST - 1287 AM (Galilee, Israel) Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Cyprus and Israel.
My letter:
Dear Sirs!
This is to inform you, that I listened to your station 2019 February 10 at between 23:30 and 23:50 UTC. You were broadcasting on 1287 KHz.
I am reporting the details of your transmission.
The program is 23:30 women speaker talking and you broadcasting music between 23:37 and 23:48.
I'm sorry but I can't speak your language.
Report in SINPO: 34433
The signal is satisfactory in my QTH and weak interference and weak noise with slow fading.
My radio is YAESU FRG-8800 and antenna is a 20 meter long wire with antenna tuner. My QTH is Gyomro city near Budapest the Hungarian capital city.
If my report is correct, please send me your QSL card, for which many thanks in advance.
My postal address:
Janos Varga
Best regards and many thanks!