RNE Radio 5 QSL letter!
Frequency: 1152 KHz
Date: 06.03.2016
Time on UTC: 23:00.-.23:15
Send my report: 22.03.2016
Postmark date on the envelop 04.04.2016
The QSL card received at 08.04.2016
I send my report in email to this address: antonio.catalan (a) rtve.es
My letter:
Dear RNE Radio 5! Dear Antonio!
This is to inform you, that I listened to your station 06.03.2016 between 23:00 and 23:15 UTC. You were broadcasting on 1152 KHz.
You transmitting: News and magazin.
The reception in SINPO code: 34433
The broadcast was heard in medium quality.
Propagation conditions is Medium disturbed.
My QTH is Gyomro city in Hungary, near Budapest.
My radio is Yaesu FRG-8800 and my antenna is a dipole whit antenna tuner.
If my report is correct, please send me your QSL-card, for which many thanks in advance.
My QSL address:
Janos Varga